
I am a Connecticut youth services consultant and former graphic designer, though this blog is something I do outside of work. I started the blog after regularly reading The Book Design Review, which is no longer being updated, and wishing there was a blog about children’s / YA book jackets (and several have been started since).
My other major – and again, work-related – interest has been summer reading, particularly the high school variety. I wrote a couple of articles on the topic for VOYA and The ALAN Review several years ago (2002-) and continue to watch trends.
While I love getting blog awards and whatnot, I made a commitment to myself to keep the blog clean and uncluttered with side-stuff, and also to keep it on topic at all times. So I’ll say it here: Thanks for any blog kudos or tags, and thanks for your understanding of my self-imposed rules.
You can reach me off-blog at jacketwhys (at) gmail.com. ~ Linda Williams

8 Responses to “About”

  1. Just followed the link from your comment on BDR. As a designer plying the young adult book cover trade (mostly for Razorbill), I’m glad to have this as a resource.

    I can send you links to some of my work, if you’re interested — just drop me a line.

  2. kephartblog Says:

    This is an exceptionally interesting blog. In my real life, I run a boutique marketing firm—I write, my partner designs, we produce books and collateral for clients. And so the discussion that you are having here about image correlations, cropping, missing body parts—it’s fascinating and very intelligent.

    Thank you so much for your kind words about UNDERCOVER. I love that jacket, too, think the world of Chad Beckerman, who designed it. I’m going to let him know about this; I know he’ll be delighted.

    (Many thanks for your words about the book itself. They are deeply appreciated.)

    Take care,


  3. Fascinating site! I can’t wait to read through all the posts. I’m a student in publishing (grad school) at Portland State. YA is my speciality, so I’m excited to read your posts.

    You might be intersted in a paper I worte about YA covers and the history of the genre as seen through the covers – http://yafantasy.com/academia/
    I’d love any feedback on it if you have a chance to read it.

  4. This is a fabulous site! I found it when trying to contact Jennifer Heuer to tell her the cover of Myers’ Game is brilliant. I’ll definitely have to look at this site. Question of the day: If I mention The Richard Cuffari Effect, would you know any idea what I’m talking about? For extra credit: What is it exactly about these rather good illustrations that have doomed the books they grace?

  5. Gillandred Says:

    I’m a children’s librarian in Los Angeles with a background in bookselling. What a fresh and interesting perspective you bring! I’m looking at my collection in a whole new way now.
    Thanks so much, and keep posting!

  6. Joe Cepeda Says:

    Just ran across this blog… great subject. I work as an illustrator and one of my favorite things to do is jackets. I look forward to following all the great insight and comments.

  7. Hi,
    I started reading this blog a few months ago, and I love it! Book covers, especially YA ones, are always such a cool topic, and as someone who often judges books by their covers (sue me) I find this blog really enjoyable. There haven’t been posts in ages, though, and I’m just wondering if this is still an active blog? I hope so!
    Thanks for a great blog and I hope to see more posts in the future!

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